What to do in Heiloo

Activities, attractions and tours

Heiloo Attractions

Let Expedia help you experience the best that Heiloo has to offer! If you’re looking for fun itinerary ideas, we can provide you with a list of the top sightseeing attractions, as well as helping you to find unmissable activities. Whether you’re travelling with your family, planning a romantic trip with your loved one, or visiting on business, we’ll make it easy to plan an unforgettable holiday that checks all the boxes.

Activities and Tours

Heiloo is crammed with must-see places to visit and things to do. We can help you decide where to stay, and make it a breeze to explore the surrounding areas with our guides on where to go, what to see and when to see it. No matter how long your stay, it’s easy to find places of interest in Heiloo to make sure that you enjoy your experience to the fullest and don’t miss a thing. Leave the local knowledge to us and leave the hassle behind.

If you’re planning a visit, why not check out our handy guides to places of interest in the area? You can browse lists of things to do, learn about the most popular attractions, and get help with planning the details of your trip. Expedia makes it easy for you to check out all the top sights.

Heiloo Attractions

Expedia has something for everyone, so whether you’re planning to get active on a summer holiday, put a spring in your step with a romantic rendezvous, or pamper yourself with a leisurely winter trip, you’ll find plenty of attractions to keep you entertained. In addition to scheduling local tours, booking reservations and scoring advance event tickets, Expedia makes it easy to book your flight, hotel and rental car in advance, all on one consolidated travel itinerary, making for hassle-free travel and freeing you up to explore the sights of Heiloo.

Looking for things to do can be time consuming, but we can take the hassle out of planning your holiday. Whether you’re looking to get active in the great outdoors, sample the cuisine or catch up with the vibrant local culture, our guides to Heiloo attractions ensure that you’ll have a successful trip, whatever the season.

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Top places to visit

1. Dam Square

Amsterdam’s origins lie on Dam Square and you’ll get a sense of this history as you look at the structures here. Today the square is also a venue for mass events, fun fairs and pantomime artists. Join the locals and relax at the base of the National Monument while listening to street organs. Chase the pigeons and dodge the many cyclists when you cross the square to go shopping or explore some of the historical buildings.
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Amsterdam’s iconic square, with its cobbled stones and grand historical buildings, is a lively gathering place and venue for protests and celebrations.

2. Anne Frank House

A visit to the Anne Frank House is a sober yet enlightening experience. The life story of Anne Frank has become one of the most famous accounts of a Jew hiding in Nazi Germany. Anne’s diary, which she started in 1942 when she was 13, is the most translated Dutch book of all time. Its first translation was in German, in 1950.
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See where this brave and famous Jewish teenager hid from the Nazis during World War II and recorded her world-famous diary.

3. Van Gogh Museum

Head to the Van Gogh Museum to see some of the works of a groundbreaking 19th-century Dutch painter. Sadly, Vincent Van Gogh only sold one of his paintings during his short life, and never dreamed of the fame he’d enjoy after his death. Here you can browse the world’s largest collection of Van Gogh’s paintings and learn about his tormented life. The museum also displays works by other master painters of his time, including Monet, Gauguin and Seurat.
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Van Gogh Museum which includes interior views

4. Leidseplein

Delve into the many delights of buzzing Leidseplein to people-watch while enjoying a meal or just a drink after a day of sightseeing. In the warmer months, the area is packed with people gathered on the terraces of the restaurants and bars. Order a local beer and watch the street performers. In the winter, visit one of the many restaurants or clubs, or head to the ice rink surrounded by hot food and drink stalls for an atmospheric outdoor experience. If you love architecture, 17th-century Leidseplein has some interesting buildings for a walking tour.
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This lively square in the heart of Amsterdam’s cultural district offers dining and entertainment, with an array of theater, movie, music, comedy and street performances.

5. Rijksmuseum

To understand how the tiny country of the Netherlands became a world superpower through both art and trade, visit the Rijksmuseum. Browse through over a million works of art and historical objects in more than 200 rooms. You’ll see famous paintings by Rembrandt and Vermeer, among hundreds of other artists, and admire the ornate building itself.
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This palatial building full of Dutch paintings and international artifacts is the country’s largest public-funded museum.

6. Heineken Experience

The Heineken Experience is a self-guided tour through interactive exhibits housed in the former Heineken brewery. The exhibits and displays aim to provide historical insight into the well-known Heineken pilsner as well as the brewing process. You’ll learn how the hop and malted barley are turned into this tasty pride of Holland, all from the point of view of a bottle of beer.
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Learn how a well-known Dutch beer is made, then drink a sample at this famous former brewery.

7. Vondelpark

Vondelpark is a State Monument and an Amsterdam hot spot in summer. This is where locals go to sunbathe, cycle or play outside. There are also concerts or other performances on weekends. Over 10 million visitors come here every year to enjoy nature and culture, as well as order drinks and meals on the restaurant terraces.
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Vondelpark which includes a statue or sculpture, picnicking and a monument

What to do in Heiloo


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