The only problem you’ll have when youvisit Newark Museum is where to start. Browse one of the world’s finestcollections of Tibetan artifacts or watch exciting displays in the Planetarium.Visit a restored Victorian house to learn about life in the era or spend sometime in the huge natural history collection.
Explore the extensive art collection,with significant artworks from around the world. The American Art displayencompasses four centuries, with a large Impressionist section and a finecollection of Hudson River landscapes. The African art collection is one of thelargest in the United States. Over 4,000 objects, including masks used inrituals and contemporary paintings from Ghana, are on display.
Head to the section featuring the artsof Asia to discover one of the finest collections ofTibetan artifacts anywhere in the world. Among approximately 5,000 objects isan altar consecrated by the Dalai Lama. You can also learn about the history ofthe country in the Tibet Information Zone.
Children will love the museum’s interactivedisplays. Among the most popular is the Dynamic Earth Zone, where animationsand displays explain plate tectonics. The Planetarium is another favorite. Comehere to watch a fascinating display about Saturn.
Explore the Ballantine House, arestored period home fitted out to portray how the area’s Victorian-eraresidents would have lived. In the Dreyfuss Memorial Garden you will find anold schoolhouse that dates back to 1784. There is also a Fire Museum whichdetails the difficulties fire fighters faced in the 19th century.
It is worth taking at least a full dayto explore the Newark Museum. When you need a break, head to the museum café,which provides a range of snacks and drinks.
Newark Museum is located on WashingtonStreet in Newark’s arts district. It is open Wednesday through Sunday. Notethat along with the admission fee there may be separate charges for certainexhibits such as the Planetarium.