The Travel Edit: Deals & inspiration

This week's round-up of deals and ideas for your next trip

Man paddling a canoe through shimmering turquoise water, surrounded by scenic mountains, beneath a cloudy sky

Save up to CA$1,096 on popular packages

Book your flight and hotel together to save on trending destinations

Highlights you may have missed

Explore our list of 6 winter sun getaways
Escape the chill in one of these blissed-out destinations.
Earn points on eligible flights, hotels, cars, and more

Terms and Conditions

Savings based on package bookings as compared to the price of the same components booked separately. Savings will vary based on origin/destination, length of trip, stay dates and travel suppliers. Savings not available on all packages. Prices are per person for the stated travel period, based on twin share of the lowest price hotel room type and lowest available airfare, inclusive of hotel taxes. Other fees may apply. Sample package prices include accommodation plus round-trip airfare for travel during the stated period. Prices based on the lowest price found within the past 48 hours and subject to change. Some airlines may charge an additional fee based on payment type. Prices will vary by date, length of stay, hotel selected, hotel room category, departure city, and availability. Save on participating properties with savings as marked. Additional restrictions and blackout dates may apply. Fares may be non-refundable and are not transferable. Name changes may not be permitted. Baggage fee may not be included.
These offers are only available to Expedia Rewards members and Expedia App users. The discount will be applied to the price of selected hotels (excluding applicable taxes and other fees).Prices displayed include the promotional discount and are per room per night based on two people sharing a room. Blackout periods may apply and a minimum hotel stay may be required. Please check individual hotel for details. Offers are subject to limited availability and may be discontinued without notice.
Expedia’s usual booking terms and conditions apply.
Promoter: 1111 Expedia Group Way W., Seattle, WA 98119, USA.