8/10 Good
Jul 31, 2019
The location of hotel is fxxking wrong in the expedia google map. I wasted more than 1.5 hours every day in this journey. This really pissed me off. Stupid fxxking expedia Google map. You should use the fxxking Baidu map in China.
智遊網關於這間酒店的地址有錯誤,致使我每天在交通上浪費了額外的1.5小時,我真的不知道應該說什麼,可以追討嗎,真的很憤怒,智遊網用google map顯示是非常非常愚蠢的,請使用百度地圖或者改正錯誤的地圖資料.
Stayed 8 nights in Jul 2019