What to do in Ponte Abbadesse

Activities, attractions and tours

Ponte Abbadesse Attractions

Let Expedia help you experience the best that Ponte Abbadesse has to offer! If you’re looking for fun itinerary ideas, we can provide you with a list of the top sightseeing attractions, as well as helping you to find unmissable activities. Whether you’re travelling with your family, planning a romantic trip with your loved one, or visiting on business, we’ll make it easy to plan an unforgettable holiday that checks all the boxes.

Activities and Tours

Ponte Abbadesse is crammed with must-see places to visit and things to do. We can help you decide where to stay, and make it a breeze to explore the surrounding areas with our guides on where to go, what to see and when to see it. No matter how long your stay, it’s easy to find places of interest in Ponte Abbadesse to make sure that you enjoy your experience to the fullest and don’t miss a thing. Leave the local knowledge to us and leave the hassle behind.

If you’re planning a visit, why not check out our handy guides to places of interest in the area? You can browse lists of things to do, learn about the most popular attractions, and get help with planning the details of your trip. Expedia makes it easy for you to check out all the top sights.

Ponte Abbadesse Attractions

Expedia has something for everyone, so whether you’re planning to get active on a summer holiday, put a spring in your step with a romantic rendezvous, or pamper yourself with a leisurely winter trip, you’ll find plenty of attractions to keep you entertained. In addition to scheduling local tours, booking reservations and scoring advance event tickets, Expedia makes it easy to book your flight, hotel and rental car in advance, all on one consolidated travel itinerary, making for hassle-free travel and freeing you up to explore the sights of Ponte Abbadesse.

Looking for things to do can be time consuming, but we can take the hassle out of planning your holiday. Whether you’re looking to get active in the great outdoors, sample the cuisine or catch up with the vibrant local culture, our guides to Ponte Abbadesse attractions ensure that you’ll have a successful trip, whatever the season.

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Top places to visit

1. Mirabilandia

With its range of roller coasters and themed worlds, Mirabilandia is a limitless playground for children of all ages. The theme park, which has a vast water world section, features some of the most exhilarating rides in Europe. Provide a thrilling time for your kids at the shows and rides of one of Italy’s largest amusement parks.
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An inverted roller coaster, a tower drop and one of Europe’s largest houses of horrors are among the highlights in the themed worlds of this amusement park.

2. Italy in Miniature

Discover nearly 300 of Europe’s most celebrated landmarks at Italy in Miniature (Italia in Miniatura). This 21-acre (8.5-hectare) open-air attraction, decorated with thousands of bonsai trees, takes you on a journey around some of the Continent’s finest architectural sites. In addition to the expertly created scale models, Italy in Miniature features fast-paced rides, a monorail, restaurants and picnic areas.
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Ride a Venetian gondola, listen to an opera at the Verona Arena, see hundreds of Italian landmarks and have fun on fairground rides at this amusement park.

3. Eurocamp

Send your kids to or join a group at EuroCamp on Italy’s Adriatic Coast for an all-in-one active vacation location. Enjoy all kinds of sports at this facility and make friends during your stay.
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Arrange a stay at this complex on Italy’s sunny Adriatic shore. It’s an instructional facility, game area, beach, cultural activity center and hotel all in one spot.

4. Piazza Cavour

Admire the splendid architecture of the Piazza Cavour and relax with the locals in the many cafés, bars and restaurants in this busy square. Shop for souvenirs at the regular markets or discover a local festival or exhibition in Rimini’s social hub.
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Piazza Cavour which includes street scenes, heritage architecture and markets

5. Papeete Beach

Lounge on Papeete Beach, where a club and swanky beach bar and restaurant cater to the hippest clientele. With the Adriatic Sea swishing gently at the sandy shore and music wafting across the plush loungers, it is a place to see and be seen.
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Head to the hippest beach in town, where a trendy beach club and a wealth of facilities will make your day on the sand one of luxury.

6. Pineta di Cervia - Milano Marittima

Appreciate the beauty and peacefulness of the ancient Pineta di Cervia (Pinewood of Cervia), a vast woodland which stretches along the coast of Milano Marittima. Relish the clean air as you walk, jog or cycle along the paths.
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Set off into this beautiful and ancient pine forest for a day of walking or biking. Enjoy the tranquility and abounding nature.

What to do in Ponte Abbadesse

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