Always up for imaginative ways to get your kicks and broaden your horizons, you're eager to explore an exciting city like the savvy traveller you are. It's not challenging to fill your time, because Expedia Canada makes it easy to book loads of things to do. Book your activities today, and all you'll have left to do is count the days until your escape and start daydreaming!
- Book your favourite excursion on Expedia Canada for a great price, and you'll still have enough cash for a dream hotel or decadent dinner while you're visiting. The things to do in Newcastle are not only topnotch, but they won't break the bank. We have 27 things to do here, and you can reserve them starting at just CA $10 .
- Newcastle is popular among thrill seekers suchlike yourself. In fact, many travellers have been visiting to learn about local culture and explore the best things to do, and many of them are already planning to return. The most booked things to do can catch the curiosity of even experienced travellers, and one look at our list explains why. Our list includes a wide range of historically based outings and opportunities for adventure. From unequalled ways to explore the best this area has to offer like a Quad bike Adventure & Brewery Tour to once in a lifetime adventures like the Worimi Sand Dunes Quad bike Tour, there are loads of opportunities at your disposal when you browse through all the things you can do here at Expedia Canada.
Our activities are the ideal way to organize your holiday. You'll need a game plan to make the most of a trip to Newcastle, particularly when you wish to pack in lots of exciting activities. And we know you're itching to explore every avenue—you are excited to get out and play. You cannot wait to check off the most essential activities around, and an exploration of historic city neighbourhoods is always time well spent. Book professional city tours on Expedia Canada, and you don't need a map.