What to do in Long Beach, NY

Activities, attractions and tours

Long Beach
Long Beach
Long Beach
Long Beach
Long Beach

Long Beach Attractions

Let Expedia help you experience the best that Long Beach has to offer! If you’re looking for fun itinerary ideas, we can provide you with a list of the top sightseeing attractions, as well as helping you to find unmissable activities. Whether you’re travelling with your family, planning a romantic trip with your loved one, or visiting on business, we’ll make it easy to plan an unforgettable holiday that checks all the boxes.

Activities and Tours

Long Beach is crammed with must-see places to visit and things to do. We can help you decide where to stay, and make it a breeze to explore the surrounding areas with our guides on where to go, what to see and when to see it. No matter how long your stay, it’s easy to find places of interest in Long Beach to make sure that you enjoy your experience to the fullest and don’t miss a thing. Leave the local knowledge to us and leave the hassle behind.

If you’re planning a visit, why not check out our handy guides to places of interest in the area? You can browse lists of things to do, learn about the most popular attractions, and get help with planning the details of your trip. Expedia makes it easy for you to check out all the top sights.

Long Beach Attractions

Expedia has something for everyone, so whether you’re planning to get active on a summer holiday, put a spring in your step with a romantic rendezvous, or pamper yourself with a leisurely winter trip, you’ll find plenty of attractions to keep you entertained. In addition to scheduling local tours, booking reservations and scoring advance event tickets, Expedia makes it easy to book your flight, hotel and rental car in advance, all on one consolidated travel itinerary, making for hassle-free travel and freeing you up to explore the sights of Long Beach.

Looking for things to do can be time consuming, but we can take the hassle out of planning your holiday. Whether you’re looking to get active in the great outdoors, sample the cuisine or catch up with the vibrant local culture, our guides to Long Beach attractions ensure that you’ll have a successful trip, whatever the season.

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Top places to visit

1. Times Square

Locals might bemoan Times Square’s touristy hustle and bustle, but the neon wonderland is undeniably New York City's beating heart. Loud and chaotic, the crowded epicenter is one of the world’s most visited and recognizable tourist attractions.
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New York’s infamous neon wonderland is hustle and bustle at its best, and an essential stop for all tourists.

2. Central Park

When it comes to film credits, no green space in the world can match New York City's Central Park. “When Harry Met Sally,” “Annie Hall,” “Home Alone 2,” and “Sex and the City: The Movie” all feature scenes shot in Manhattan’s iconic park, which opened in 1857 and is renowned as one of the city’s most precious outdoor areas.
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Central Park showing flowers, a park and a pond

3. Broadway

Broadway is called the “Great White Way” for the dazzling lights surrounding the popular Times Square portion of this avenue. Take a moment to look in all directions from your spot at the center of Times Square. Every December 31, about 1 million people crowd into this space to watch the 12-foot (3.6-meter) ball drop from One Times Square in celebration of the New Year.
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Ed Sullivan Theater showing a city and signage as well as a large group of people

4. Grand Central Terminal

Stand aside from the 750,000 daily visitors rushing to and from their trains and admire the architectural beauty of the majestic Grand Central Terminal. It’s also home to shops and dining options, making it an entertaining one-stop destination.
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Grand Central Terminal

5. Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is a world-famous landmark, synonymous with New York. It’s renowned as a backdrop in films such as “An Affair to Remember,” “King Kong,” and “Sleepless in Seattle.” In fact, it’s one of the city’s most significant and romantic skyscrapers.
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No trip to New York is complete without zooming up the top of this iconic building, where the views of Manhattan are unmatchable.

What to do in Long Beach

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