What to do in Gora Kalwaria

Activities, attractions and tours

Gora Kalwaria Attractions

Let Expedia help you experience the best that Gora Kalwaria has to offer! If you’re looking for fun itinerary ideas, we can provide you with a list of the top sightseeing attractions, as well as helping you to find unmissable activities. Whether you’re travelling with your family, planning a romantic trip with your loved one, or visiting on business, we’ll make it easy to plan an unforgettable holiday that checks all the boxes.

Activities and Tours

Gora Kalwaria is crammed with must-see places to visit and things to do. We can help you decide where to stay, and make it a breeze to explore the surrounding areas with our guides on where to go, what to see and when to see it. No matter how long your stay, it’s easy to find places of interest in Gora Kalwaria to make sure that you enjoy your experience to the fullest and don’t miss a thing. Leave the local knowledge to us and leave the hassle behind.

If you’re planning a visit, why not check out our handy guides to places of interest in the area? You can browse lists of things to do, learn about the most popular attractions, and get help with planning the details of your trip. Expedia makes it easy for you to check out all the top sights.

Gora Kalwaria Attractions

Expedia has something for everyone, so whether you’re planning to get active on a summer holiday, put a spring in your step with a romantic rendezvous, or pamper yourself with a leisurely winter trip, you’ll find plenty of attractions to keep you entertained. In addition to scheduling local tours, booking reservations and scoring advance event tickets, Expedia makes it easy to book your flight, hotel and rental car in advance, all on one consolidated travel itinerary, making for hassle-free travel and freeing you up to explore the sights of Gora Kalwaria.

Looking for things to do can be time consuming, but we can take the hassle out of planning your holiday. Whether you’re looking to get active in the great outdoors, sample the cuisine or catch up with the vibrant local culture, our guides to Gora Kalwaria attractions ensure that you’ll have a successful trip, whatever the season.

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Top places to visit

1. National Stadium

The National Stadium is the largest and most innovative stadium in Poland. Opened in 2012 for soccer during the European Football Championship, the stadium now attracts more than 140,000 people every month. Come for a tour and learn about the stadium’s construction or participate in one of the diverse events regularly hosted here.
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National Stadium featuring night scenes

2. Palace of Culture and Science

The monumental Palace of Culture and Science has towered over Warsaw’s city center for decades. A dubious gift from Joseph Stalin, this skyscraper is often viewed as an unfortunate reminder of Soviet domination. See wonderful vistas over the city from the building’s viewing terrace and check out the Socialist-Realist reliefs, marble staircases and ornate chandeliers decorating its interior.
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Palace of Culture and Science which includes heritage architecture and heritage elements

3. Old Town Market Place

Warsaw’s Old Town Market Place is a bustling local gathering place and a symbol of the city’s resilience. Although most of the square’s original buildings were destroyed in World War II, the square has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in recognition of its meticulous reconstruction. Dine on traditional cuisine at an outdoor café and enjoy the entertainment provided by street performers.
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Old Town Market Place which includes heritage elements

4. Warsaw Uprising Museum

The scale of devastation and loss of life that Warsaw witnessed during World War II can be difficult to comprehend, but the Warsaw Uprising Museum helps bring it to life. Visit one of the most popular museums in Poland and browse the immersive exhibits, which document the tragic events of the uprising from its inception to its ultimate defeat.
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Learn about the defining days of war in Warsaw at this enormous museum, which traces the Home Army’s doomed attempt to liberate the city from its German occupiers.

5. Royal Castle

The Royal Castle is a grand brick building, regarded in its prime as one of Europe’s greatest royal residences. A careful reconstruction of the 14th-century original, the building now houses the fascinating Castle Museum. Take a tour through the ornate apartments of Poland's last monarch King Stanisław and admire the castle’s exquisite furnishings and artwork.
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Royal Castle which includes art, heritage architecture and interior views

6. University of Warsaw

Warsaw University is the city’s premier educational institution. Tens of thousands of students are enrolled in this modern intellectual hub, which encompasses many historic buildings. Wander among the neoclassical structures of its campus and explore the long promenades, elegant courtyards and manicured gardens.
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Warsaw University showing heritage elements and heritage architecture

What to do in Gora Kalwaria

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