You're about to set sail in a new direction. Always up for an enlightening experience and unique ways to get inspired, you're eager to discover a new city like the savvy traveller you are. Next stop: Balikpapan! It's not challenging to fill your time, because Expedia Canada makes it simple to book loads of things to do. Find and book your activities now, and all you'll have left to do is count the days until your getaway and start daydreaming.
- The activities in Balikpapan are not only among the best, but they won't bust your budget. We have 1 things to do here, and you can make them yours starting at just CA $213 . Get your favourite tours on Expedia Canada for significant savings, and you'll still have money for a dream hotel or fine dinner while you're travelling.
- Balikpapan is popular among sightseers suchlike yourself. In fact, a good percentage of travellers can't wait for the next holiday to the region to check out local hot spots and explore the best things to do. The most booked things to do can get the enthusiasm of even seasoned globetrotters, and one look at our list explains why. Our activities includes a wide array of historically themed excursions and opportunities for excitement. With Private Minivan: Sepinggan International Airport (BPN) that makes getting around town a cinch, there are tons of things to do at your fingertips when you review the best tours and excursions here at Expedia Canada.
You'll need an expert itinerary to really get the most out of Balikpapan, particularly when you want to schedule in plenty of local cuisine and entertainment. And it's evident that you're someone who likes to get out and about—you're ready to get out and play. You cannot wait to check off the best activities around, and an afternoon walk through charming neighbourhoods is always time well spent. Our activities are the best way to organize your holiday. Book professional regional tours on Expedia Canada, and you may find all that you are searching for and more.