Book LATAM Airlines Group (XL) Cheap Flight Deals

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LATAM Airlines Group Flights on

Looking to book your next LATAM Airlines Group flight? Expedia Canada and LATAM Airlines Group have teamed up to provide you with even greater deals on your next flight. LATAM Airlines Group flights are always comfortable, cheap, and offer flexible departure and arrival times. Booking LATAM Airlines Group flights with Expedia saves you time and money.

Expedia Canada offers cheap flight deals and a variety of routes with LATAM Airlines Group. Save more on our large inventory of cheap LATAM Airlines Group flights to whatever destination you`re headed. Beyond savings, LATAM Airlines Group provides a unique flight experience designed for comfort and relaxation. LATAM Airlines Group flights have a wide choice of routes based on your destination in mind, with flexible departure and arrival times, giving you more selection than ever before. When booking your LATAM Airlines Group flights online with, you can take advantage of all the tools we have to help assist you in your travel planning. If you need additional assistance, Expedia Customer Service Representatives are available 24 hours a day to help you with any questions when booking your LATAM Airlines Group flights. LATAM Airlines Group and Expedia are here to ensure you travel with the confidence that you have the best flight at the very best price.

Airline Information

Airline Name
LATAM Airlines Group
Airline Code
Roundtrip price

Frequently asked questions

How do I find cheap LATAM Airlines Ecuador flights that have flexible change policies?
You simply need to select the No change fee filter when browsing for cheap LATAM Airlines Ecuador flights on Expedia. There’s no extra fee if you later need to reschedule, but you will have to pay any airfare difference.
Why fly with LATAM Airlines Ecuador?
With its base at Mariscal Sucre Intl. Airport (UIO) and a fleet of 4 aircraft, LATAM Airlines Ecuador can connect you to lots of amazing destinations. Top-tier customer service makes this carrier a good choice. Decide where you want to go, browse Expedia’s LATAM Airlines Ecuador flight deals and start organizing your next unforgettable adventure.
What can I expect from a LATAM Airlines Ecuador flight?
Fly with LATAM Airlines Ecuador and you can look forward to snacks or meals on most services. Of course, what’s offered on the menu will depend on your place of departure, destination and the length of your trip. Take a peek at our LATAM Airlines Ecuador flight deals and start planning your next big adventure today.
How can I get a cheap last-minute LATAM Airlines Ecuador flight on Expedia?
While you don’t need to be a gymnast, being flexible is your ticket to big savings. Having room to move with your travel itinerary will help you score cheap last-minute LATAM Airlines Ecuador flight deals. To see what great offers are available, take a peek at our great last minute flights deals on Expedia. Or enter your preferred dates and compare the cheapest prices on LATAM Airlines Ecuador fares for your impulsive trip.
How can Expedia help with my LATAM Airlines Ecuador booking?
You can look up your flight status and much more with the Expedia App. Our free app lets you easily manage your booking and receive instant trip updates, from flight delays to gate numbers. It’s also the place to discover top deals on hotels and rental cars, as well as cheap LATAM Airlines Ecuador flights with Expedia. Book whatever you need while you’re on the move and earn double the Expedia Rewards points while you’re at it.
Can I earn and redeem miles with my LATAM Airlines Ecuador flight?
You can earn points with lan ecuador latam pass, which is the LATAM Airlines Ecuador handy rewards program. From buying airline tickets to car rentals, hotels and flying with the airline, there are a number of ways you can rack up points. When booking your flights with Expedia, look up your loyalty program in the dropdown menu. You can then type in your membership info to determine if your fare is eligible.
How can I check in for LATAM Airlines Ecuador flights?
Go to the LATAM Airlines Ecuador website to check in for your flight, choose a seat and more. For the majority of international journeys, the check-in window is from 3 days to 2 hours before your plane leaves. Be aware that you may have to check in at the airline counter to have your passport scanned. For domestic travel, online check in opens from 3 days until 45 minutes ahead of takeoff for most flights.
*Available to Expedia members.