Bed linens, tub, toilets, bathroom sinks, & bathroom floor were clean. 3 of 4 towels were clean. Nothing else was clean. Every surface was covered with dirt, dust, sticky goo, food, or some other substance. Shower curtains: mold & other substances. Seam between tub & wall has mold. Bathroom countertops: some goo. Kitchen counters: dirt, food particles. Kitchen scrub brushes were dirty. Washing machine: mildew, significant odor & other substances. Load came out dirtier than it went in & machine doesn’t wash the soap out of items. Had to rinse & wash our load by hand. Dryer: full of dirt & grime. Had to vacuum it out & clean it to use it. Floor around the washer was extremely dirty, including used dryer sheets on the floor. Furniture: layers of dirt & dust had to be washed off before putting things down. Floors: vacuum had over an inch in canister from vacuuming one room & the dryer. Scrubbed kitchen sink to use it. Over 25% of utensils & kitchen items were dirty. Hot pads were covered in grease & food. Closet: I had to vacuum & scrub the floor before even putting my suitcase down. Dirty windows: windows, window seals, all parts of the windows are dirty. 1 small window in front bedroom, 1 in 2nd bedroom, 1 in kitchen nook, & 2 windows in the back bathroom open. No other windows open & only one of the fans moves any air on a hot day. I contacted the owner as we left & I missed their calls as I was out of cell range. I texted them photographs & haven’t heard anything back since.